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Property Investigations: Services

Services Include

  • Phase I & II Assessments

  • Above/Underground Tank Consultation

  • Asbestos Consultation (AHERA Certified)

  • Radon/Lead Consulation


A Phase I Site Assessment can protect you against financial disaster. Under the Superfund Law, anyone who has used, owned, or managed a site can be held liable for pollution found on the site, whether they caused it or not. This is true, even if the contamination originated on another piece of property. Performance of a Phase I Site Assessment can help limit your liability by investigating past and present uses of a property and surrounding area to determine potential problems. Lending institutions actually require a Phase I Assessment prior to loaning money for certain properties to help determine that they have worthy collateral.

The existence of potentially hazardous building materials such as asbestos, lead and radon can also be investigated. ACS has certified asbestos inspectors Heating oil tanks are another potential problem in our area. ACS will inform you of your options and assist you in managing these hazards.


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