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Regulatory Compliance: Services

Services Include

  • Permitting

  • Hazard Communication (Employee Right-To-Know)

  • Respirator Protection

  • Hazardous Material/Waste Consultation

  • Spill Plans/Emergency Plans

  • OSHA/EPA Compliance Programs and Audits

Permits are required to perform many activities, including major construction and facility operation. ACS can help complete these often length permit applications.

Spill Plans are required by facilities which store a petroleum product above threshold quantities.

Pollution Prevention Plans are required for and construction activity which disturbs greater than 5 acres. They include strategies that will minimize harmful erosion during construction activities.

Hazard Communication Programs also known as “Workers Right-To-Know,” are required for employees who work with hazardous material. This program includes Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), employee training, and a written plan.

A Respirator Protection Program is required for any employee who wears a respirator in a workplace. It includes a written program, employee training and respirator fit testing.

Compliance Audits can reveal how a facility is doing in their compliance efforts. Audits can be tailored to specific needs.

SARA Title III Reporting is required by those facilities which store or use over a threshold quantity of hazardous materials.

Hazardous Material & Waste Consultation can save you money. ACS stays abreast to new & existing technologies that can decrease cost in these areas.

Other Compliance Services, too numerous to list, can also be performed.

Do you need help making important decisions? Contact me today and let me put you back on track.

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